An outdoor kitchen is a perfect space for entertaining guests. What are the features an outdoor kitchen needs to have to ensure a great experience for you and your guests?
According to the outdoor living and landscape design contractors at Backyard Reflections, the essential outdoor kitchen features are:

The Essentials
The essential features of an outdoor kitchen are a built-in grill, an insulated grill jacket (to protect nearby appliances from the heat coming from the grill), an overhead vent hood (for better ventilation), a refrigerator (to make sure the meat for the barbecue isn’t easily spoiled), and, of course, hidden waste bins.
Keep in mind these features are just the bare minimum. If you usually only hold intimate get-togethers, these features should be more than enough to create a great experience for your guests. However, if you frequently hold large gatherings or parties, you might want to consider making a few upgrades to your outdoor kitchen.
Upgrading Your Outdoor Kitchen
Here are some outdoor kitchen features that you’ll likely find useful:
- Sink and faucet – Why prep meat and vegetables inside your home when you can prep them right next to your grill? A sink and faucet in your outdoor kitchen will save the trouble of making several trips to your indoor kitchen.
- Secondary grill or pizza ovens – A secondary grill godsend for homeowners racing against the clock to finish cooking meals before guests arrive. If you want to add more variety to the dishes you can prepare in your kitchen, you could also add a smoker or pizza oven.
- Wine cooler or ice bins – No one wants their drinks served at room temperature. Contrary to what some may say, wine is best served chilled.
- Firepit – A fire pit can help you stay warm in chilly weather.
To learn more about the features that can help improve your guests’ outdoor living experience, consult a professional landscape contractor.
Looking for landscapers near you?
Backyard Reflections, a company with over two decades of experience in the industry, offers a wide range of professional landscape design services. To request a consultation, call us at (320) 274-6336 or (218) 454-1065 or fill out this form.